Children are young. They will just bounce back, right? Not without support! With proper support, most children can overcome their early adversity. They can be overcomers – more than conquerors. Adversity can become a minor footnote amidst an epic novel that is the story God has for each child in our care. We are excited to have Chantel Longino, LCSW with us this month to help us learn ways we can help our kiddos build resilience and become more than conquerors.
Our Family Collective is our monthly support group for foster, adoptive and kinship families. Each month, we gather together for pizza, salad, and then break off into sessions pending age/grade. Each session is led by local therapists who are trauma informed and want to support our families.
Location- South Spring Baptist Church 17002 Hwy 69 in Tyler.
Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:00pm. Sessions will run from 6:00 – 7pm.
Contact Tiffany Davault at or 903-253-9144 for more information.
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