Family Collective – Self Care

South Spring Baptist Church 17002 US-69, Tyler

"Love your neighbor as yourself." This is such a simple command, yet can be hard to follow. What does loving yourself look like? Let's spend this Family Collective working together to understand the importance of self care.

Neisha LeStage MS, CRC, LPC-S, AADC, Division Director of Mental Wellness and Community Education Therapist and Trauma Team Lead at the Andrews Center will lead us to understand the importance of self-care and give us some practical things we can do to take care of US! Bonus, we'll have a drawing for a couple of special goodies to give away.

Our Family Collective is our monthly support group for foster, adoptive and kinship families. Each month, we gather together for pizza, salad, and then break off into sessions pending age/grade. Each session is led by local therapists who are trauma informed and want to support our families.

Contact Christi Sowell at or 903-253-9144 Ext.101 for more information.

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