Come hang out with other foster, adoptive, and kinship dads who are growing together to lead and serve their families. We are meeting at our NEW OFFICE.
Come have lunch with a group of foster, adoptive, and kinship dads who invest and encourage each other along this hard calling. Bring $5 towards lunch.
Chantel Longino, foster mom and LCSW, is going to lead a discussion about compromises, choices, and redos. This isn't always our natural reaction to the challenges our children face, but when we take these paths, change happens and healing begins. We will meet at our NEW OFFICE in TYLER.
Jennie Ravanesi is leading our group that meets at Shine. Come grab a coffee and be a part of some great discussions about how we can use compromises, choices, and redos to connect and empower our children.
Christie Hayes, foster and adoptive mom, will lead our Mom Collective lunch. This is a great time of fellowship and connecting with other foster, adoptive, and kinship moms.