Attend one training to be certified with multiple agencies to babysit for foster families. Participating agencies include Arrow, Methodist Children's Home, Grace Manor, Christian Homes, Azleway, DFPS, UpBring,Hope Haven,Buckner, Compass Connection and Noble. The class is $10 to attend. Dinner will be provided. CPR hands on portion starts promptly at 5:30, class starts at as soon as CPR class is finished around 6:10.
Let's be real, holidays are hard and often sabotaged by our kids exposed to trauma. Russ Bailiff is going to lead our November Family Collective and give us some helpful tips to Finding Joy in the the Holidays.
Our Family Collective is our monthly support group for foster, adoptive and kinship families. Each month, we gather together for dinner and then break off into sessions pending age/grade. Each session is led by local therapists who are trauma informed and want to support our families.
Join us November 9th at 11:30am to learn about finding your fit in foster care. You will learn about the different areas you can serve children and families, such as fostering, adopting, babysitting, wrapping around foster families, advocating for children in care, and so much more. Local child placing agencies and other service agencies will be present. Lunch is provided.
Communication…How many conflicts could be avoided or at least down-graded if the hearer received the message as the giver intended? How does the tone, volume and cadence of my voice affect reception? What about non-verbal messages? Countless opportunities for misunderstanding exist in every conversation so how can we clearly communicate with the children we care for? Their parents? Caseworkers? Each other?
Tuesday, November 28th, come join us for lunch as we share strategies to help build effective communication skills that we can practice and model for our children to alleviate some stress in our homes. Bring your tips as well!
Let's Connect is our monthly lunch and learn support group specifically for kinship families. Kinship Care is when a relative or family friend is a caregiver to a child. Invite a friend and join us.
Join us November 30th beginning at 11:30am to learn about finding your fit in foster care. You will learn about the different areas you can serve children and families, such as fostering, adopting, babysitting, wrapping around foster families, advocating for children in care, and so much more. Local child placing agencies and other service agencies will be present. Lunch will be served.
Join us November 30th beginning at 6pm to learn about finding your fit in foster care. You will learn about the different areas you can serve children and families, such as fostering, adopting, babysitting, wrapping around foster families, advocating for children in care, and so much more. Local child placing agencies and other service agencies will be present. A light dinner will be served.